
  • Due: Wednesday, October 2nd AoE.
  • Submission instructions: make sure that the required file (pass_by_ref.c) is in your /classwork/week7/wed/ directory.
  • Deadline reminder: after the deadline passes, you cannot earn any points for this assignment.

Learning outcomes

  • Practice using pointers to pass by reference.


  • Log in to the server.
  • From your csci11_fall2024 directory, navigate to classwork/week7/wed/, creating directories week7 and wed if necessary.
  • Copy the file pass_by_ref_starter.c from the /public/classwork/week7/wed directory. Make sure to rename it to pass_by_ref.c.

In the file pass_by_ref.c, finish implementing the function get_stats so that it assigns the minimum and maximum values of the array (already computed as temp_min and temp_max to what the variables min and max point to.

Then, call the function get_stats in main so that after it is run, the variables min and max hold the minimum and maximum values from the array arr.

Don’t change anything else about the file. You can test your program by running it with the test input in /public/classwork/week7/wed/input.txt like so:

[g73x595@csci112 wed]$ gcc pass_by_ref.c -Wall
[g73x595@csci112 wed]$ ./a.out < /public/classwork/week7/wed/test_input.txt

And your output should look like:

Enter array size: Enter 10 ints separated by whitespace: Min and max are -350 and 100

You can run the autograder by running


The file autograder.txt will be created with your score.

Grading turnaround

Final scores will be run at 6am on the due date and scores will be uploaded to D2L by the next class meeting.