
  • Due: Friday, January 26th AoE.
  • Submission instructions: ensure that you have the source code you want us to grade in a file called lab1.c in your ~/csci112_spring2024/labs/lab1 directory, and that the snapshot (commit) of your repository containing the version of that file you want us to grade has been committed and tagged as lab1. (You should have set up your git repo and practiced tagging a commit in Classwork 4.)

Outside resources

On this assignment, you may not use the the internet or generative AI such as ChatGPT to solicit solutions to the programming part of the assignment. If you are having trouble writing your program, please go to lab (Fridays, 10am-4pm in BARNAR 254) or post in Slack to get help.

However, you may use those resources for help with navigating the Linux terminal, using vim, and using git, although you may get better answers to your questions by going to lab or posting on Discord anyway.

Learning outcomes

  • Make sure that your git repository is set up correctly.
  • Stage, commit, and tag the state of your repository.
  • Use prepocessor directives (e.g., #include, #define).
  • Get input from the console.
  • Do a basic calculation in C.
  • Print and format output.
  • Become familiar with the autograder for labs.


In a file called lab1.c in your csci112_spring2024/labs/lab1 directory, write a program that estimates the temperature in a freezer (in degrees Celsius) given the elapsed time (hours) since a power failure. Assume this temperature ($T$) is given by

\[T = \frac{3t^2}{t+1} - 10\]

where $t$ is the time since the power failure. Your program should prompt the user to enter how long it has been since the start of the power failure in whole hours and minutes. Note that you will need to convert the elapsed time into hours. For example, if the user entered 2 30 (2 hours 30 minutes), you would need to convert this to 2.5 hours.


You must:

  • include the stdio library
  • use a constant macro preprocessor directive

Input/output format

For this assignment, you must match the output format exactly, and take input from the user precisely as described.

You must prompt the user as follows:

Hours and minutes since power outage? (e.g., 2 30 for 2 hours, 30 minutes)

And you should print the result as follows, with exactly two numbers after the decimal point:

Estimated current temperature: -4.64 degrees Celsius

Thus, a full run of your program might look like this:

Hours and minutes since power outage? (e.g., 2 30 for 2 hours, 30 minutes) 2 30
Estimated current temperature: -4.64 degrees Celsius

Grading–100 points

  • 10: source file exists with correct name in correct location
  • 10: source file compiles
  • 10: source file compiles without warnings
  • 5: includes stdio.h
  • 5: defines a constant macro
  • 5: prompt to user matches exactly
  • 5: output reporting temperature matches exactly
  • 10: prints temperature with exactly 2 decimal places
  • 10 points each: computes correct temperature for 4 test cases


You can run the autograder using


A detailed breakdown of your score will be present in autograder.txt.

Grading turnaround

Scores will be uploaded to D2L by class time on Wednesday, September 6th.