
  • Due: Friday, April 12th AoE.
  • Submission instructions: ensure that you have the files for this assignment in your ~/csci112_spring2024/labs/lab10 directory, and that the snapshot (commit) of your repository containing the version of that file you want us to grade has been committed and tagged as lab10. (You should have set up your git repo and practiced tagging a commit in Classwork 4.)

Outside resources

On this assignment, you may not use the the internet or generative AI such as ChatGPT to solicit solutions to the programming part of the assignment. If you are having trouble writing your program, please go to lab (Fridays, 10am-4pm in Barnard 254) or post in Slack to get help.

However, you may use those resources for help with navigating the Linux terminal, using vim, and using git, although you may get better answers to your questions by going to lab or posting on Discord anyway.

Learning outcomes

  • Practice using command line arguments
  • Practice splitting your C program into separate header and C files
  • Practice using make and writing Makefiles
  • Practice passing structs by reference
  • Practice using the math library


You will write a simple role playing game simulator, in which two characters fight once. Your program should take the character info (name, experience points, and health points) as arguments on the command line, store the information about each character in a Character struct, and call a fight function that takes in pointers to the two characters and modifies them based on the result of the fight.

When two characters fight, this is what should happen:

  • If the characters have equal XP, nothing.
  • Otherwise, the character with higher XP is the winner and the character with lower XP is the loser. The winner deals the difference in XP damage to the loser’s HP. The winner’s XP increases by adding the log base 10 (log10 function from math.h) of their current XP to their current XP, and then rounding the result to the nearest integer (round function from math.h). The loser’s XP increases by multiplying their current XP by 1.5. This should also be rounded to the nearest integer.
  • If the loser’s HP goes to 0 (or less), add “(deceased)” to their name.

Program specification

You have some flexibility on the implementation of this program, but you must include the following:

  • a Character struct with fields for name, XP, and HP
  • a fight function that takes as input two pointers to Character structs and modifies the structs that the pointers point to if needed
  • calls to the log10 and round functions from the math.h library
  • at least two .c files and one .h file
  • a Makefile that correctly encodes the dependencies of your program and can be used to create an executable called lab10
  • in the Makefile, a clean target that removes the executable lab10 and all intermediate object files

For creating the structs and printing them, you may choose to use separate functions if you would like, but the details are up to you.


  • Remember to compile with -lm when you use the math library.
  • You can use ->, the indirect selection operator, to both dereference a pointer to a struct and access its fields.

Sample run

As always, match the output format exactly.

[g73x595@csci112 lab10]$ ls
funcs.c  lab10.c  lab10.h  Makefile
[g73x595@csci112 lab10]$ make
gcc -c lab10.c -Wall
gcc -c funcs.c -Wall -lm
gcc -o lab10 lab10.o funcs.o -lm
[g73x595@csci112 lab10]$ ./lab10 Bowser 10 10 Mario 5 5
### LET'S FIGHT ###
Bowser (10 XP, 10 HP) vs. Mario (5 XP, 5 HP)
Bowser deals 5 damage to Mario

Result is:
Bowser (11 XP, 10 HP)
Mario (deceased) (8 XP, 0 HP)
[g73x595@csci112 lab10]$ ./lab10 Bowser 22 100 Mario 35 100
### LET'S FIGHT ###
Bowser (22 XP, 100 HP) vs. Mario (35 XP, 100 HP)
Mario deals 13 damage to Bowser

Result is:
Bowser (33 XP, 87 HP)
Mario (37 XP, 100 HP)
[g73x595@csci112 lab10]$ ./lab10 Bowser 22 100 Mario 22 100
### LET'S FIGHT ###
Bowser (22 XP, 100 HP) vs. Mario (22 XP, 100 HP)
It's a tie!

Result is:
Bowser (22 XP, 100 HP)
Mario (22 XP, 100 HP)
[g73x595@csci112 lab10]$ ./lab10 Bowser 40 100 Mario 22 100
### LET'S FIGHT ###
Bowser (40 XP, 100 HP) vs. Mario (22 XP, 100 HP)
Bowser deals 18 damage to Mario

Result is:
Bowser (41 XP, 100 HP)
Mario (33 XP, 82 HP)

Grading–100 points

  • 10: make compiles the executable lab10 without warnings
  • 10: make clean removes executable lab10 and all .o object files
  • 10: there is a Character struct defined in a header file
  • 10: there is a function fight that takes in two pointers to Characters
  • 5: uses the log10 function
  • 5: uses the round function
  • 5: has at least two .c files
  • 5: has at least one .h files
  • 40: correct output for four test cases


You can run the autograder using


A detailed breakdown of your score will be present in autograder.txt.

Grading turnaround

Scores will be uploaded to D2L by class time the Wednesday after the due date.