Classwork 14
- Due: Wednesday, March 5th AoE.
- Submission instructions: make sure that the required file (
) is in your/classwork/week8/wed/
directory. - Deadline reminder: after the deadline passes, you cannot earn any points for this assignment.
Learning outcomes
- Practice reading strings from the console and from files
- Store strings as arrays of characters
- Log in to the server.
- From your
directory, navigate toclasswork/week8/wed/
, creating directoriesweek8
if necessary. - Copy the file
from the/public/classwork/week8/wed
In the file read.c
, fill in the three TODO
lines. You should only need to
add three lines to the file. Once you have fixed the three todos, you should be
able to compile and run the executable like so:
[g73x595@csci112 wed]$ gcc read.c -Wall
[g73x595@csci112 wed]$ ./a.out
Enter a name: Bob
You entered: Bob
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You can run the autograder by running
The file autograder.txt
will be created with your score.
Grading turnaround
Final scores will be run at 6am on the due date and scores will be uploaded to D2L by the next class meeting.